Tag Archives: Kelp

My Five (David Hayman)

1. “Avec Mes Mecs” by HUMANS (Independent, 2011) ::: New Discovery Pick

Humans are Peter Ricq and Robbie Slade. These guys flew out from Vancouver and played our Vapor Music showcase back in February when they had not yet been widely released beyond our borders here in Canada. Since then I’ve introduced them to my friends at Lip Sync music and they have been able to secure some serious placement-action with their music including a crazy spot on a big HBO series and I am working on an insane independent feature called Mr. Viral that will also feature a handful of Humans tracks a la Dust Brothers in Fight Club. The film has a similar vibe to FC but it tackles a much more cynical take on the new modern world which suits the dizzying array of sonic-ammunition that Humans throw into their dizzying mixes. I am looking forward to getting more placements for these good-guys and hopefully work with them as original composers on one of my next video games or film projects. Check out their other videos like “Bike Home” (http://bit.ly/3V6Vq) to ‘get’ the puppet-reference and please dig deeper and learn what Humans are all about. —– Humans will rise!

Merch: www.dashumans.bigcartel.com
Licensing: Lauren@lipsyncmusic.com
Vapor Showcase 2011 http://vimeo.com/22303971
Buy it on itunes: http://bit.ly/rciJET
Twitter: @dashumans

2. “Everybody’s Got A Deejay” by ANDREW VINCENT (Kelp Records, 2005) ::: Personal Song

This is a very personal song to me because it was the closing track used in a short film I produced called POP SONG. The film was directed by Charles Officer ( Nurse. Fighter. Boy. / Mighty Jerome ) and adapted by Sean Reycraft ( 90210 / Rookie Blue / Degrassi) from his award winning play of the same title. The film was a wild experience for me and taught me a lot about who I am; my limitations, my expectations, my love for music-placement. Yes, I fell in love with music supervision during this film after finding some really cool indie gems via The Golden Dogs “I Don’t Sleep Anymore” from their first EP and even a wild garage-rock track from Jared Gutstat’s first real band; The Izzy’s (still active and awesome http://theizzys.bandcamp.com/). I was also lucky enough to connect with my good friend Jon Barlett at Kelp Records who got me hip to a very young Andrew Vincent who’s raw and honest tone fit perfectly with the awkward vulnerability we were attempting to explore in the short film.  This song came on the other night and it brought back a flood of memories for me and my wife Alison who was getting to know me at the time the film was produced.  This song has a permanent place in both of our hearts.

Twiter: @vincentad  @KelpRecords
Pop Song (the beginnings): NOW archives http://bit.ly/r2AKbq
Pop Song (IMDB) http://imdb.to/nqXKFn


3. “Bra” by CYMANDE (Sanctuary/Janus Records, 1972) ::: Under-Appreciated Song

Cymande was a Jamaican/Guyanese/British Funk band from the early 70’s who were definitely panned in their prime and only now rediscovered via music-supers, like myself, and a small handful of others who appreciate the real deal when they hear it. “Bra” was featured in Spike Lee’s Crooklyn and sampled in the Prince Paul-produced 3 Feet & Rising album by De La Soul http://bit.ly/3rZP9d “Bra” was also used back in the day as a breakbeat but not so much anymore.  I was also lucky enough to secure this song for a sequence in the 2009 film Young People Fucking (http://bit.ly/nlmlZY). I get more love for this placement than anything else I’ve done but no one I know owns this album. Trash your Phish and get your ass into a record store!

Buy it on itunes: http://bit.ly/o4AyKA

*4. “1985” Wings cover by THE GOLDEN DOGS (from Big Eye, Little Eye – True North Records, 2006) ::: Rarity/Oddity Pick

Again, maybe I’m waxing nostalgic on my filmmaking days but The Golden Dogs have always been good to me with placements since Pop Song with “I Don’t Sleep” http://bit.ly/r2d3ap and “Birdsong” in the beloved Douglas Coupland film Everything’s Gone Green http://amzn.to/nlzpUA  and even in a Bud commercial http://bit.ly/nY5W9a  This version of “Nineteen Hundred and Eighty Five” (originally by Paul McCartney & Wings) is, dare I say, better than the original. Maybe it’s the recording quality, the earnest piano-pounding or Dave Azzolini’s confident yet desperate voice that soars above the original for me. Maybe I’m over Band on The Run? Maybe I’m over the Beatles? Maybe I’ve just lost it?… but this cover does not get the respect it deserves.

Twitter: @thegoldendogs

5. “Ice Cream” by BATTLES ft. Matias Aguayo (from Gloss Drop, Warp, 2011) ::: Placement Song

I’d be lying if I told you I wasn’t clamoring to find a spot for this song in one of my shows but I just know it’s gonna pop up on Entourage or Breaking Bad and I’m going to kick myself for not being the first to place this song. Every movement in this dynamic track conjures up dramatic-sequences for me that can translate on so many visual levels. I almost got “Tonto (the Fourtet remix)” http://bit.ly/aA6GaX into Rookie Blue and I’ll keep trying but I LOVE ICE CREAM! What a great song to cut to. What a crazy montage this could be. And what a fantastic track to eat ice cream to. Mmmm Ice Cream.

Buy on itunes: http://bit.ly/lMAU7N
Twitter: @battles


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